Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why you need an autoresponder?

If you have an online business, you will know it is very important for you to keep coontact of your clients so that you can contact then when you have a new offer and product. This is called buiding a list. To build a list is simply having a list of people who buy your product or visit your site and keep on contacting them when you have a new offer, promo etc.

If you have an email address where you store all thier emails, you have to keep updating the list compiling and sending out your messsages to them. This will definately take time you could use to do other things. What if i told you there is a service on the internet that would do all this for you, all you have to do is type out this message. This is where an atoresponder comes in.

An Autoresponder is a site that callects lists of visitors to your site and uses them to build your list and sends messages to them at intervals you specify. It as simple as that and its great because it saves you time.

Autoresponders are not free, you pay for them but they sure help you make money so sign up for onr today

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